The Indiana Economic Development Association Foundation (IEDAF) in partnership with the Indiana Economic Development Association (IEDA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms to complete a nationwide search to identify and document in the form of a Study any “Best Practices” for attracting talent to States, regions, and local communities resulting in increased population and workforce availability. Interested firms must demonstrate knowledge and experience in strategic planning, marketing, creativity, and innovation.

Criteria used to evaluate communities across the US for company expansion or relocation has significantly changed over the past couple of decades. What was a very basic question of “do you have availability of land and incentives”, is now overshadowed by a more complex evaluation and determination that involves several critical issues. One of those critical issues that continues to move to the top of the evaluation list is the availability of talent and workforce to fill not only current jobs but those forecasted in the future. Indiana has implemented several key initiatives to attract talent to the State, however, more needs to be done. Through completion of this Study, the IEDAF hopes to identify, duplicate, or modify other State’s successful initiatives to attract talent with a specific section of the Study focused on initiatives, policies, and programs implemented to create affordable childcare opportunities for the workforce.
Scope of Work for Development of the Strategy

Working with the members of the IDEAF and the IEDA, the selected firm would.
1. Identify specific goals, tasks, objectives for inclusion in the Study:
a. With respect to childcare, this section of the Study would require examples of programs and policies implemented to; (1) increase the availability childcare providers through education and certification programs; (2) efforts to increase pay levels for certified providers; (3) State and local programs to reduce the overall cost of childcare to the workforce; (4) programs to encourage the consolidation of childcare providers under a central administration resulting in reduced costs to the workforce; (5) any other programs or policies to include employer cost sharing that benefits the workforce resulting in increased talent attraction.
2. Identify existing initiatives, if known, to be further explored and included in the Study both inside or outside Indiana.
3. For each Best Practice identified include any documentation about the initiative to include but not limited to, source of funding, annual costs, point of contact (if appropriate), etc.
4. Establish and confirm a timeline for completion of the Study
5. Based on the timeline, established an agreed upon number of updates on the Study’s progress.
Consultants should feel free to add into their proposals additional measures that should be incorporated into the final Scope of Work to improve the overall process and result based on their experience and best practices.

The IEDAF requires consultant’s proposal to include as a minimum.
- A Statement of Qualifications specific to the objectives identified for the development of this Study
- A proposed plan of work describing how the consultant would suggest completing the requested services
- A proposed work schedule including timetables for completion of the Study.
- A description of the consultant’s organization and resumes of the key staff assigned to this project
- A proposed cost for completion of the Study
PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: Prospective consultants should submit an electronic copy of their proposal package to Lee Lewellen, IEDA Foundation CEO at The deadline for receipt of the proposals and all related materials is July 21, 2023 at 4:30 pm (EST). Questions concerning this Request for Proposals, or its submission requirements should be directed to Lee Lewellen at 317-313-8365 or The Indiana Economic Development Association Foundation reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.